Mental health tips for a social media manager

At P&Co we pride ourselves on being agile and hands on while planning and curating social media content for our clients. While doing so, we follow a lot of content creators, brands and blogs on social. When your work requires you to be scrolling social media, it can feel impossible to unplug and take a break from the online world and we’ve found this to be daunting and stressful at times. So as a team, we put together our go-to hacks to ensure we keep sane but still deliver the best content for our clients.

Curate your feed

Take the plunge and unfollow accounts that are negative or just bring you down every time you see it on your feed. Make no space for any bad vibe in your life.


Make use of the Mute option on your feeds to silence people or brands that you cannot unfollow because of work or friendships. You can also mute keywords that make you trigger or upset you forever or a particular period of time, especially useful during certain news cycles.

Tap on the three dots (right hand top corner of every post on Instagram).

Inspiring accounts

Find yourself smiling at a particular channel often? Could be cute doggies, cats or someone you identify with. Follow them and bask in the positivity and sunshine they bring to your life.

Control comments

Tired of all the haters and the trolls? You can block certain words or phrases on Instagram which means comments with those words will not show up. Or you can turn off comments all together. Same goes for your Instagram Live. Choose only what comments you want to see on your Live broadcast.

To change this on Instagram go to – Settings>Privacy>Comments.


At the beginning of each work week set intentions based on how you are feeling. Be mindful of what you share on your timeline or who you engage with. These little steps all go a long way to fostering a healthy digital community.

Monitor screentime

With a lot of us working from home and unable to step out for social interactions, they are all now relegated to our screens. And as social media managers we have found ourselves scrolling endlessly one too many times. We find it best to set up screen time alerts on our phones or directly on social apps. Even if we don’t adhere to it fully, we are at least aware of the time that we have spent.

For iOS – Settings>Screen Time

For Android – Settings>Device Care>Battery.

Self care goals

In all of this, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Whether it is some me-time, or walks with your dog, some gardening or a heart pumping workout. We all have our routines post work hours.

Social Media break

To keep our creative juices flowing, we unplug on the weekends and pursue our non-digital crafts. Photography, poetry, journaling, cooking, baking, you name it, we try it. Anything to keep us from getting lured back into our phones.

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